Showing posts with label student loan debt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label student loan debt. Show all posts

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Must Know before You Go to College and how much Student Loan Debt are you willing to be saddled with?

Walking away from student loan debt is not an option. It will follow you for the rest of your life or the next 25 years and wreck havoc on your financial affairs.

Exhaust all scholarship and grant opportunities before you shackle your life with student loans debt. Scholarship Information

I do not know much about this site but it seems to be a website that will assist in the scholarship and grant process:

Taxable interest for student loan debt from the IRS:,,id=177520,00.html

More information to assist in any question you may have on student aid:

More on ‘Pay As You Go Plan’ a brain child of President Barak Obama. It is still in a pre-legislative stage.

More on how to manage your student loan debt.

NSLDS National Student Loan Data System.

The US Department of Education; what college costs.

A check list of what is needed to know for your college experience:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Several YouTube Videos on The Student Loan Debacle




If you are Unhappy by the Status Quo Make Some calls!

Call your Senator and Congress person Today - Address & Phone Directory: (

Please join us @ is a place where you can sit down, drink a cup of coffee, and chat with people about current affairs or whatever; a supportive network for those in any debt crisis. We all need support at one time or another; sometimes it’s just good to have an ear. Sometimes we just need someone to listen or read what we have to say.

A Shout Out to Michele H. Nelnet (Predatory Recovery System)

If you have any dissatisfaction with how you are treated within the student loan process, call you Congress person or Senator.

Call your Senator and Congressperson Today Address & Phone Directory: (



A shout out to Michele H. Don’t Use Autopay NEVER! Tell them you are recording their phone calls. Use a disposable cell phone; do not give them your primary numbers. Send them a letter through registered mail a cease and desists order to stop calling you at work, b/c you are not allowed personal phone calls.

Nelnet (predatory recovery system, no doubt)

BBB- Nelnet-National Educational Loan Network (Headquarters)

 (402) 458-2370 121 S 13th St # 201, LincolnNE 68508-1911

278 complaints closed with BBB in last 3 years | 86 closed in last 12 months
Nelnet Contact Information
Principal: Mr. Ben Kiser (Director of Corporate Communication)
Mr. Michael S. Dunlap
(CEO) Mr. Jeff Noordhoeck
(President) Ms. Jill Warner

Nelnet reviews: Not so good:

Stupid Human Trick - Ex-Nelnet Employee Sentenced to a Year

File a complaint: (CFPB) Consumer Financial Protection Bureau with The (FTC) Federal Trade Commission

Go here National Student Loan Data Base

Go to financial aid review check the balance of your loans, check you loan period end date, and who your loan servicer is.

Go to here and check to see if any of these repayment options are available to you: OR

Here are different repayment plans and if you haven’t consolidated your loans, do – just make sure it is within the portal.

Here is number for or they may be able to redirect your call to answer any questions you may have 1-800-621-3115 OR

Good luck and please get back with me and let me know how it is going. Hey just give me a shout out here: pass it along w/ blog address for our friends at NKU.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Contact Your States Representative and Demand they Support these two Measures and if they don’t - ask them why NOT? Richard Durbin - S.1102 Fairness for Struggling Students Act of 2011 & Steve Cohen - H.R.2028 - Private Student Loan Bankruptcy Fairness Act of 2011; Please raise your voice on POPVOX & Open Congress – They Need to Hear US!

Call your Senator and Congressperson Today - Address & Phone Directory: (

Twitter handles and Facebook addresses will come later today or tomorrow...

Senator Richard Durbin  D-IL is sponsoring a BILL: 5/26/2011--Introduced. S. 1102 Fairness for Struggling Students Act of 2011:

Support this bill through Open Congress;

Revises federal bankruptcy law with respect to the exemption from the exception to discharge in bankruptcy for certain educational loans if excepting such debt from discharge would impose an undue hardship on the debtor and debtor's dependents. Limits such exemption to the existing ones for:
(1) an educational benefit overpayment or loan made, insured, or guaranteed by a governmental unit or made under any program funded in whole or in part by a governmental unit; and
(2) an obligation to repay funds received from a governmental unit as an educational benefit, scholarship, or stipend. Repeals the current exemption for:
(1) any loan made under any program funded in whole or in part by a governmental unit or nonprofit institution; and
(2) any other qualified education loan incurred by an individual debtor on behalf of the taxpayer, the taxpayer's spouse, or any dependent, including indebtedness used to refinance a qualified education loan. (Thus makes both kinds of loans nondischargeable in bankruptcy.)


Dick Durban Twitter: @SenatorDurbin Facebook:    Website:

Durbin, Richard "Dick"(D) Senator, IL
Phone numbers: 618-351-1122 Address: 250 W. Cherry Street, Carbondale, IL 62901
Phone numbers: 312-353-4952 Address: John C. Kluczynski Federal Building, Chicago, IL 60604-1483
Phone numbers: 202-224-2152 Address: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510-0001

    Added May 26, 2011
    Phone numbers: 651-221-1016 Address: 60 East Plato Boulevard, Suite 220, St. Paul, MN 55107-1833
    Phone numbers: 202-224-5641 Address: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510-0001
    Phone numbers: 507-931-5813 Address: 208 S Minnesota Ave, St. Peter, MN 56082
    Phone numbers: 320-251-2721 Address: 916 W St. Germain St., Saint Cloud, MN 56301
    Phone numbers: 218-722-2390 Address: 515 W 1st St, Duluth, MN 55802

    Added October 12, 2011

    Phone numbers: 712-252-1550 Address: Federal Building, Sioux City, IA 51101
    Phone numbers: 563-582-2130 Address: Federal Building, Dubuque, IA 52001
    Phone numbers: 563-322-1338 Address: 1606 Brady Street, Davenport, IA 52803
    Phone numbers: 202-224-3254 Address: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510-0001
    Phone numbers: 515-284-4574 Address: Federal Building, Des Moines, IA 50309
    Phone numbers: 319-365-4504 Address: 150 1st Avenue, NE - Suite 370, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401

    Added May 26, 2011

    Phone number: 401-453-5294 Address: 170 Westminster Street, Suite 1100, Providence, RI 02903
    Phone number: 202-224-2921 Address: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510-0001

      Support on POPVOX: “A bill to amend title 11, United States Code, with respect to certain exceptions to discharge in bankruptcy.”

      Representative Steve CohenD-TN is sponsoring a Bill, 5/26/2011--Introduced. H.R.2028 - Private Student Loan Bankruptcy Fairness Act of 2011 - Amends the federal bankruptcy code to remove qualified educational loans as an exception to discharge from bankruptcy.

      Support this bill through Open Congress:


      Support on POPVOX, H.R. 2028: Private Student Loan Bankruptcy Fairness Act of 2011 Summary: “To amend title 11 of the United States Code to modify the dischargeability of debts for certain educational payments and loans.”

      Please join us @ is a place where you can sit down, drink a cup of coffee, and chat with people about current affairs or whatever; a supportive network for those in any debt crisis. We all need support at one time or another; sometimes it’s just good to have an ear. Sometimes we just need someone to listen or read what we have to say.

      Thursday, May 17, 2012

      Today's News on The Student Loan Debacle

      ( From a  FB friend)

      Want to join the many voices that are screaming to Congress and the Senate, wake up,  this is what we need, and we demand you hear us. There are several listed methods below on how to become engaged in the political discourse:

      Popvox: click here
      Open Congress: click here
      Gov Tracks: click here
      Politico Open Forum: click here

      Please Help Support: H.R. 4170 The Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012, you can write, call or email your state representatives with your thoughts:

      Want to contact you Congress person: (
      Want to contact your state Representatives: (
      Want to contact all your governmental representatives: (
      Become Engaged - become a person who participates in their own life and assists in a greater cause for the good of the whole, and not just for the sum of its parts.

      Join the ‘student loan debt’ advocates & champions in the fight towards changing American perceptions; there is a movement to reach and change societal norms and heuristics in regards of how people think of ‘student loan debt’ and the serious repercussions in aggregate when the next financial crisis hits. When the student loan bubble bursts, and it will; the devastation will be long reaching into all our financial institutions, and then society will finally understand the foreboding economic condition and the actors who were involved in allowing this student loan debt catastrophe to happen: the responsible persons for the Student Loan Debacle, is majority of Congress & the Senate. And how did "WE the PEOPLE" and our wishes become a special interest group that those in Washington can negate.
      And the thousands of individuals who are rising up and saying to Congress and the Senate “enough is enough, get out of the pockets of special interest groups; quit catering hand and foot to the PACS,” and do the job you were elected to do by the American people, in assisting the American people and not big corporations, you know the United States citizens, the ones who are paying your salaries!

      I can’t emphasize enough, walking away from student loans is really notan option. Because, your student loans never go away! EVER! There are many ways in which your debt can be dealt with by the utilization of various programs. There is a link on the right, Navigating Through Your Student Loan Nightmare, which may help. More info on restructuring your debt will come later.

      Congress and the Senate should be held accountable because of the lack of financial protections they eradicated; or should I say, [the bankruptcy protections] they have done away with, for the sake of their special interest associations.

      Several Bills that you may want to support, please leave your comments at POPVOX & GovTracks:


      H.R. 4170 Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012 supported by Hansen Clarke


      Summary: To increase purchasing power, strengthen economic recovery, and restore fairness in financing higher education in the United States through student loan forgiveness, caps on interest rates on Federal student loans, and refinancing opportunities for private borrowers, and for other purposes. 


      For more info: popvox OR govtracks


      H.R. 2028: Private Student Bankruptcy Fairness Act of 2011


      112th Congress, 2011–2012


      Summary: To amend title 11 of the United States Code to modify the dischargeability of debts for certain educational payments and loans. Summary: To amend title 11 of the United States Code to modify the dischargeability of debts for certain educational payments and loans. 


      for more info: popvox OR govtracks

      Sunday, May 13, 2012

      Today's News on the Student Loan Debacle

      Senate & Congress Phone & Address Directory

      Become Engaged - become a person who participates in their own life and assists in a greater cause for the good of the whole, not just for the sum of its parts.

      Join the ‘student loan debt’ advocates & champions in the fight towards changing American perceptions; there is a movement to reach and change societal norms in regards of how people think of ‘student loan debt’ and the serious repercussions in aggregate when the next financial crisis hits. When the student loan bubble bursts, and it will; the devastation will be long reaching into our financial institutions, and then society will finally understand the foreboding economic condition and the actors who were involved in allowing this student loan debt catastrophe to happen: the responsible persons for the Student Loan Debacle, is majority of Congress & the Senate.

      And the many thousands of individuals who are rising up and saying to Congress and the Senate “enough is enough, get out of the pockets of special interest groups; quite catering hand and foot to the PACS,” and do the job you were elected to do by the American people, in assisting the American people and not big corporations, you know the United States citizens, the ones who are paying your salaries!

      And although, I believe an informed and engaged society is mandatory for citizen commitment, recourse, and discourse; there are grassroots organizations touting “don’t pay your student loans; and just walk away.” That is ludicrous, you can never walk away from that form of debt, and your student loans will follow and haunt you forever. There are ways in which to deal with your student loans, but walking away from that debt is not one of them. There are many programs to assist in managing your student loan debt: exhaust all possibilities of repayment before just walking away and opting out of life. More info:

      According to, “Since January 2010, the Education Department has stopped going after defaulted loans of less than $45,000 through the Justice Department. That doesn’t mean people who aren’t making payments are off the hook. Bad loans of less than that are handled by private law firms on a contract basis, Glickman says.”

      “What people need to realize: Once you default on a student loan, you owe that money forever,” Alabama’s Kelly says. “If we get a settlement, we can place a lien against your house. You can’t refinance or sell the house unless you clear up that debt. We get a lot of loans repaid when a house is sold.”

      1 Trillion student loan debt vs. 11.3 Million collected. “Although the Education Department doesn’t provide information on how many lawsuits are filed, it does say it has received repayments totaling $11.3 million since 2006.” (

      And how did student loans become ‘easy and free money,’ “Robert Murphy, a consumer rights lawyer in Fort Lauderdale, said the government issues loans without any regard to a person's likelihood to repay them. He said many people graduate from law schools today with $120,000 in debt and are only making $40,000 to $50,000. They end up having to use a quarter of their salary just to pay off debt and can barely survive, he said.” (,0,2380048.story).

      What responsible financial entity, loans mega $$$ to individuals without regards of their ability to repay that money. I’ll tell you, monolith institutions whose clients have absolutely no recourse, because Congress and the Senate have stripped away all financial protections for the American people. But, hey if you’re a big corp and you’ve just gotten say 500 million dollars from the government (or should I say a loan from the American people) for a business that goes sour, just file bankruptcy and start all over. So ‘we’ as a people (our tax dollars) loan big business money all the time; but ‘WE’ have no protections against them.

      “Gone is the promise of earlier presidents of a “commitment to the belief that workers should not live in dread that a disability, death, or old age could leave them or their families destitute.  

      There is another way the government could find needed funds without raising taxes, slashing services, or going further into debt: Congress could re-finance the federal debt through the Federal Reserve, interest-free.  Canada did this from 1939 to 1974, keeping its national debt low and sustainable while funding massive programs including seaways, roadways, pensions, and national health care.  The national debt shot up only when the government switched from borrowing from its own central bank to borrowing from private lenders at interest.  The rationale was that borrowing bank-created money from the government’s own central bank inflated the money supply, while borrowing existing funds from private banks did not.  But even the Federal Reserve acknowledges that private banks create the money they lend on their books, just as central banks do.

      For students, at the very least the bankruptcy option needs to be reinstated, usury laws restored, predatory practices eliminated, and the cost of education brought back down to earth.  One possibility for relieving the burden on students would be to give them interest-free loans.  The government of New  Zealand now offers 0% loans to New Zealand students, with repayment to be made from their income after they graduate.  For the past twenty years, the Australian government has also successfully funded students by giving out what are in effect interest-free loans.  The loans in the Australian Higher Education Loan Programme (or HELP) do not bear interest, but the government gets back more than it lends, because the principal is indexed to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which goes up every year.

      Predatory lenders are keeping us in debt peonage through misguided economics and bank-captured legislators.  We have people who desperately want to work, to the point of going back to school to try to improve their chances; and we have mountains of work that needs to be done.  The only thing keeping them apart is that artificial constraint called “money”, which we have allowed to be created by banks and let out at interest when it could have been created by public institutions for public purposes, either by direct issuance or through publicly-owned banks.  We just need to recognize our oppressors and throw off their yoke, and the good times can roll again.”

      Student Loan Forgiveness is not just a novel idea, there are many who agree, it would become a stimulus for the people of the United States; and not a stimulus for big corps who do very little for the American people other than reap huge profits by propagating our consumer-based societies mind-set.

      “Let's forgive loans. Just this once, I promise.

      I can guarantee this: Those $200 to $800 monthly checks students are cutting (or amassing in interest as they continue to defer payment) aren't likely to get socked away in the drawer.

      It will go toward homes for people fortunate enough to already have jobs.

      And for those who don't, it will go toward new vehicles and apartment leases in the cities where jobs do exist.

      Because those shackled by debt -- even if by their own cavalier and youthful irresponsibility -- simply can't pick up and move, to work and contribute to the economy.

      Rather than be marginalized by it.” (

      Loan Forgiveness, “President Obama signed a bill in 2010 that would see the so-called forgiveness program expanded in 2014. Under the scheme, eligible students would see their loan repayments capped at 10 percent of their income and written off after 15 years.

      Together, Americans over 60 years of age still owe onwards and upwards of $38 billion in student debt and over ten percent of them are lagging behind on payments.” (

      An ethical & savvy business approach towards student lending, “Consumer and student advocates, private loan companies and the higher education community have all asked Congress to pass legislation that would require private loans to be certified by the school before a single dollar can be disbursed. This would provide a crucial opportunity for financial aid offices to identify borrowers who are at risk of taking on unmanageable debt loads or haven’t exhausted other financial aid opportunities.” (

      “That has some economists worrying that federal student loans could become the nation's next huge financial crisis, like the mortgage bubble that plunged the U.S. into a recession from which it's still recovering.

      The Federal Reserve Bank of New York estimates 37 million Americans have student loan debt, totaling $870 billion. Bankruptcies are on the rise, with 81% of bankruptcy attorneys reporting more clients with student debts in the past few years. (

      Really, that is ridiculous, “I readily admit it,” said E. Gordon Gee, the president of Ohio State University, who has also served as president of Vanderbilt and Brown, among others. “I didn’t think a lot about costs. I do not think we have given significant thought to the impact of college costs on families.” (

      Anyone say student loan collection agencies are practicing sub-prime economics? “If one is not thinking about where this is headed over the next two or three years, you are just completely missing the warning signs,” said Rajeev V. Date, deputy director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the federal watchdog created after the financial crisis.

      Mr. Date likened excessive student borrowing to risky mortgages. And as with the housing bubble before the economic collapse, the extraordinary growth in student loans has caught many by surprise. But its roots are in fact deep, and the cast of contributing characters — including college marketing officers, state lawmakers wielding a budget ax and wide-eyed students and families — has been enabled by a basic economic dynamic: an insatiable demand for a college education, at almost any price, and plenty of easy-to-secure loans, primarily from the federal government.” MSNBC